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The Coming of the American Revolution: 1764 to 1776

× 糖业法案 印花税法案 自由之子的形成 汤森法案 非消费和非进口 波士顿大屠杀 The Formation of the Committees of Correspondence 波士顿倾茶事件 强制行为 第一届大陆会议 列克星敦和康科德 第二届大陆会议 邦克山战役 Washington Takes Command of the Continental Army 独立宣言



1770年4月, Parliament rescinded the Townshend duties on four of the five commodities that had been taxed; the duty on tea remained in force. Outraged patriots sought to shore up sagging efforts to boycott tea by appealing to merchants (nonimportation) 和 citizenry (nonconsumption). But people loved their tea, 和ir resolve weakened.

In the spring of 1773, the East India Company had a large amount of surplus tea on hand. 去帮助濒临倒闭的公司, 挫败荷兰茶叶的走私, and reassert its authority to levy taxes on the colonies, Parliament authorized the Tea Act on 10 May 1773. Tea 出售 in America would carry no duty for the East India Company; instead, the tea would be taxed at the point of entry in colonial ports. 收货人, 或者特工, 被任命在波士顿, 纽约市, 费城, and Charleston to receive and sell the tea.

1773年秋天, as newspapers publish the particulars of the East India Company plan, 殖民者知道 茶来了. 抗议很快就传开了. Writing out of 费城, "Scaevola" rebukes the tea agents, calling them 政治bombadiers. Refusing a summons to resign their commissions, Boston's tea agents counter that they are 真正的自由之子. Demonstrating its decided disagreement, a patriot mob storms Richard Clarke's King Street shop on 3 November.

Boston's consignees petition the governor to safeguard the tea once it arrives, but with British forces confined to Castle William since the unfortunate events of the Boston Massacre, 哈钦森无能为力. The streets belong to the opposition.

11月28日星期日 达特茅斯, carrying 114 chests of tea, arrives in Boston Harbor. 一个会议, open to all Bostonians and anyone from neighboring towns who chooses to attend (a group identified as the Body), 是在法纳尔大厅举行的吗. When the crowd swells, it adjourns to Old South Meeting House. 身体说话, 要求退还茶叶, 和 assembly appoints a watch of 25 men to guard Griffin's Wharf.

来自费城和纽约, news arrives that anyone attempting to l和 tea in those ports should 小心不速之客. By 2 December, consignees have resigned in three port towns, 和 taunt goes forth: 你会在波士顿做心理医生吗?

到12月15日为止 埃莉诺海狸, also both laden with tea, arrive at Griffin's Wharf. 法律规定得很清楚:如果有责任就 达特茅斯's tea is not paid by 17 December, the customs officer is authorized to seize the ship and its cargo. The governor, the ships' owners, 和 tea consignees all refuse to return the tea to England. Voting at a 16 December meeting at Old South, the Body resolves to prevent the East India tea from being landed, 存储, 出售, 或使用. 在会议结束时, the crowd streams out onto the street, chasing 30 to 60 men dressed as Indians down to Griffin's Wharf. 约翰·亚当斯称之为 an intrepid "exertion of popular power," 男人们开始倾倒 把342箱茶叶扔进海里.

Governor Hutchinson is incensed, calling the dumping of the tea high treason. Energized by their victory, boisterous patriots urge Bostonians, “鼓起你的勇气." When news of the event arrives there, 纽约庆祝波士顿的印第安人费城也是如此. Boston, once suspect, is now praised for its steadfast opposition to tyrannical English policies.

Not all, however, applaud the Destruction of the Tea (later designated the Boston Tea Party). At the end of January, the town of Marshfield urges 善良而忠诚的臣民们应该大声疾呼 反对波士顿人的非法行为. 不过,到了3月,还是能找到印第安人 再次破坏茶叶. And in April, another episode raises questions whether the perpetrators are 好印度人或坏印度人.

在2月份, the tea ship captains arrive in England and are summoned to testify before the Privy Council; since they are not able to identify individuals responsible for the destruction of the tea, the government decides to punish the entire town of Boston. Until the East India Company is reimbursed for its loss, the port of Boston will be closed.


"A Number of People appearing in Indian Dresses went on board the three Ships Hall Bruce & Coffin they opend the Hatches hoisted out the Tea & 把它扔到海里....Tis said near two thousand People were present at this affair."



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